The Campaign is Pleased to Announce that
on April 21 2004
Mordechai Vanunu
Was Released From Prison.
(Sort of.)
Links Archives Contact Us Send a Donation How You Can Help The Campaign Current News Vanunu's photos of Dimona The Vanunu Story Write Dr Vanunu Sign the Petition to Free Mordechai Vanunu

23 Apr 04: from the U.S. Campaign:
Out of Prison, Vanunu Celebrates with International Supporters

23 Apr 04: from the Israeli Committee to Free Vanunu:
Please Protest!

21 Apr 04: from the U.S. Campaign:
I'm Mordechai Vanunu. I'm Proud and Happy to Do What I Did.

21 Apr 04: from Human Rights Watch:
Israel: No New Restrictions on Whistleblower

20 Apr 04: from the International Federation of Journalists:
Journalists Demand That Israel Lifts "Grotesque and Perverse" Ban on Freed Whistle-Blower

20 Apr 04: from the U.S. Campaign:
Vanunu Welcome Party Gagged for Protest

19 Apr 04: from Amnesty International:
Amnesty International Joins Call for Mordechai Vanunu's Unconditional Release

19 Apr 04: from the International Campaign:
Vigil and Press Conference at Israeli Prison on Eve of Vanunu's Release

18 Apr 04: from the U.S. Campaign:
International Condemnation as Lawyers Appeal 'A Special Prison Just for Vanunu'


21 Apr 04: from Trident Ploughshares:
Campaigners Break Into Top UK Nuke Base as Vanunu Walks Free

21 Apr 04: from Ha'aretz:
Vanunu says has no intention of harming Israel

20 Apr 04: from Ha'aretz:
Israel's nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu goes free
There are many additional links to other articles of interest at this story.

20 Apr 04: from Ha'aretz:
Limits on Vanunu Eased Slightly Ahead of Release

19 Apr 04: from the Israeli Free Vanunu Campaign:
Vanunu Prison Video Broadcast Irks Supporters

18 Apr 04: from the Independent:
Vanunu Released to Life of 'Internal Exile'

18 Apr 04: from the Boston Herald:
Israeli Nuke Whistleblower Makes Appeal

17 Apr 04: from the Guardian:
Anger at Restrictions on Vanunu

16 Apr 04: from the Guardian:
The Guardian Profile: Mordechai Vanunu

The ticking time bomb in the Negev Desert is still ticking, marking danger for the people of Israel and all neighboring countries. The calls for international inspection of the Dimona nuclear facility are growing louder, particularly from Israel's near neighbors. Even Dimona workers are now drawing attention to unsafe working conditions that are causing cancers and other illnesses.

If an Iraqi nuclear technician in the last decade had come forward to reveal previously unknown information about a secret Iraqi nuclear arsenal, that person would be hailed as a courageous hero. Mordechai Vanunu's act was courageous and heroic.

Now we see that Iraq's nuclear threat was never rebuilt, Libya has publicly abandoned nuclear ambitions, and Iran has opened up to nuclear inspections. The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohamed ElBaradei, has recently urged Israel to dismantle its nuclear weapons program.

In the new global war climate, and with escalating conflict in the Middle East, Mordechai Vanunu's message of nuclear abolition resonates ever more loudly.


Until we have a better address, you may send letters and cards of support (no books or valuables, please) to:

Mordechai Vanunu
c/o the U.S. Campaign to Free Mordechai Vanunu
POB 43384
Tucson, AZ 85733

Send a 'Flower' to Thank Vanunu

Join Our E-list

April 21 Vigils to Celebrate Vanunu's Release


"Well you can put there my thanks greeting to all those who wrote.   If they want to receive my letters they can write me."
-Mordechai's response to those who signed the petition

April 21, 2004.

If you can believe the word of the state of Israel, that is the day that Mordechai Vanunu will be released from prison for the crime of telling the world the truth about his government's secret nuclear weapons program. The date is just five months short of his full 18-year sentence.

In January, it was reported that Israeli officials were considering various conditions and restrictions once Vanunu is released. On February 24, Prime Minister Sharon and other Israeli officials had a meeting to discuss their options. They reportedly decided that keeping Mordechai in administrative detention would likely not pass a High Court review, but they do plan to impose restrictions, including not allowing him to leave Israel.

But this is absurd. Mordechai Vanunu has been locked away from the world for almost 18 years. He has no more secrets to reveal and is not a threat to the security of the state of Israel.

There are of course many unknowns, but the international campaign is moving forward with plans for Mordechai's release, while carefully considering the different possibilities that might occur. We expect Israel to do the right thing and release him at the end of his sentence without any restrictions.

Public pressure has brought important changes over the years. In 1998, pressure from his supporters around the world pried open the lock on Mordechai's isolation cell after his first eleven and one half years in solitary confinement. Israel once claimed that the transcript of Vanunu's closed door trial was so sensitive it could never be made public. But several years ago, bending to public pressure, it released most of the trial record and permitted the Knesset's first open debate on nuclear secrecy. And although Israel still officially denies that it has a nuclear arsenal, government censors are allowing increased coverage of the once taboo topic in Israel's mainstream media.

If the Israeli government doesn't unconditionally release Mordechai Vanunu, we will need your help to apply maximum pressure and demand that they do so.


Israeli nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu flashes a sign as he speaks to journalists outside Shikma Prison following his release in the coastal city of Ashkelon, Israel Wednesday, April 21, 2004. Vanunu was released from prison Wednesday, after serving 18 years for spilling Israel's nuclear secrets, saying he was proud of his actions and complaining he was treated cruelly by his jailers.

(AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)
Mordechai Vanunu flashing a V-for-victory sign as he leaves the Shikma prison in Ashkelon on Wednesday after serving 18 years. (AP)

Prison guards pushing Mordechai Vanunu back from supporters at the gates of Ashkelon's Shikma prison upon his release Wednesday. (AP)



“One of my great encouragement and happiness in the first year [in prison] was to know that all London was covered by all those [censored]; the very secret place underground had become papers for covering dead fish and meat in the markets and so on; the most secrets that no one hear or saw, now they are equal to wrapping or just garbage papers. The secret of the building and the [nuclear weapons] secrets collapsed without any bombs, without killing anyone. That was the great power of a nonviolent act.”
-Mordechai Vanunu, March 12, 2002, on the publication of his photos in 1986 in the London Sunday Time

Selected articles from the Spring 2004 newsletter:

'I Won' - Vanunu
When Mordechai Walks Free on April 21, Will He Be Restricted?
Back in Solitary
Award for 'Most Courageous Defense of Freedom of Expression' goes to Vanunu
Invitations for Vanunu: Concert, Conferences, and the Knesset
Knesset Bid to Close Dimona Defeated

Selected articles from the Winter 2003/04 newsletter:

Activity Builds, Interest Grows As Release Date Nears
Take Action!
Global Vigils Will Celebrate Vanunu's Freedom
Attention Turns to Israel's Nukes
Remembering Vanunu and Demanding Disarmament

Selected articles from the Fall 2003 newsletter:

Countdown to Freedom
BBC Documentary Draws International Interest and More Israeli Ire
Who Is This Man?
Bay Area Campaign Busy in Berkeley
Host a Benefit for the Campaign
In NYC, a One Woman Free Vanunu Campaign

A Letter from Mordechai's adoptive American parents, Nick and Mary Eoloff

'The Weapons Inspector Who Found Nuclear Weapons'

'Peace is Possible'

15 Dec 03: from the US Campaign:
Join Us to Welcome Vanunu Out of Prison

13 Dec 03: from the Washington Times:
UN Nuclear Watchdog Urges Israel to Jettison Any Weapons

12 Dec 03: from Al-Jazeera:
Israel Urged to Abandon N-Arms

27 Nov 03: from Al-Ahram Weekly:
Hush, Hush About Israel's Bomb

11 Nov 03: from Reuters:
Leaks and Peeks Key to Israel's Nuclear Ambiguity


At this time, please send letters and cards of support (no books or valuables, please) to:

Mordechai Vanunu
c/o the U.S. Campaign to Free Mordechai Vanunu
POB 43384
Tucson, AZ 85733

16 Apr 04: from the International Campaign:
International Outrage Over Israeli Further Punishment of Nuke Whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu

15 Apr 04: from Yediot Ahronot:
Harsh Restrictions to be Imposed on Vanunu After His Release Next Week

15 Apr 04: from the Int'l Campaign:
Israel's Plan to Gag Nuclear Whistleblower Condemned

14 Apr 04: from Ha'aretz:
Vanunu to Face Numerous Restrictions After Prison Release

12 Apr 04: from the Star-Tribune:
Plan to take adult son out of Israel hits snag

3 Apr 04: from the Guardian:
Whistleblower Drops Israeli Citizenship

9 Mar 04: from Daniel Ellsberg:
Mordechai Vanunu's Meaning for the Nuclear Age

April 04: from Americans for Middle East Understanding:
Mordechai Vanunu

March 26 2004: from the Independent:
The Man Who Knew Too Much

26 February 2004: from the Jerusalem Post:
'They Didn't Break Me'

15 March 2004: from Ha'aretz:
Vanunu Denied Visits After He Spoke to Another Prisoner

15 March 2004: from Ma'ariv:
Bill to Shut Down Dimona Nuclear Reactor Tabled
Vanunu: 'Israel is Falling Apart'
Cracking the Last Taboo

10 March 2004: from Ha'aretz:
Security Sources: Vanunu Applied for Passport

9 March 2004: from Ha'aretz:
Mazuz: Vanunu Significant Danger to State Security

7 March 2004: from Ha'aretz:
Knesset Panel to Discuss Vanunu's Release Terms
Israel Refusing to Return Enriched Uranium

3 March 2004: from the US Campaign:
Global Vigils Will Celebrate Vanunu's Release;
Are You Having One?

written August 2001, published Feb 2004:
Facing Vanunu's Approaching Release from Prison: The Visit of Bishop Al-Assal and Reverend Sellors to Vanunu in Prison

25 Feb 04: from the New York Times:
Israel: Restrictions for Nuke Whistleblower

24 Feb 04: from Ha'aretz:
Sharon: No Administrative Detention for Vanunu

24 Feb 04: from Reuters:
Israel Says Won't Arrest Vanunu after Jail Term Ends

24 Feb 04: from the AP:
Sharon: Whistleblower to be Supervised

10 Feb 04: from Ha'aretz:
Administrative Detention Being Considered for Vanunu

9 Feb 04: from the Australian:
Secret Weapons Info 'on Internet'

9 Feb 05: from the Philadelphia Inquirer:
Israel Sees Risk in Release: After Jail, Nuclear Foe May Still Be Gagged

5 Feb 04: from Reuters:
Israel Weighed Killing Vanunu

1 Feb 04: from Yediot Ahronoth:
Under Construction: 'Package of Restrictions' for Vanunu

19 Jan 04: from the St. Petersburg Times:
Critics Wants Israel to Admit, Abolish Its Nuclear Program

11 Jan 04: from Newsweek:
Mordechai Vanunu is scheduled to be freed soon. But will he be?

9 Jan 04: from the IPS:
Nuclear Spotlight Shifts from Libya to Israel

9 Jan 04: from Yedioth Ahronoth:
Atomic Problem

4 Jan 04: from Reuters:
Israel Wants Jailed Nuke Whistleblower to Keep Mum

22 Dec 03: from the Guardian:
If Libya Can Do It, Why Not Israel?

People around the world will hold vigils on April 21 to celebrate the release of Israeli nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu. Please join us!

Washington, D.C.
San Francisco
Boston – for information call (508) 753-3588
New York City
Edina MN
Detroit MI
Bethlehem PA

Birmingham (West Midlands)



There are more vigils happening in the UK -
please visit the more comprehensive list
at the 'Around the Country Events' section here.

The U.S. Campaign to Free Mordechai Vanunu
Felice Cohen-Joppa, coordinator
P.O. Box 43384
Tucson, AZ 85733 USA
Phone/fax: (520)323-8697


last updated April 23 2004.