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From: Mairead Maguire
Date: Nov 29, 2005

Dear Mordechai,

I hope you are well.

I just wanted to let you know some developments from my visit to the Nobel Summit in Rome.

I attach copy of my speech where you will see at the end I quoted you.
The speech is on the internet. Also you will get the final speech of the laureates forcusing on Rome and speaking also about Nuclear weapons can be viewed on .

I got a few minutes to speak to the Pope in the public square meeting with the Peace Laureates but it was only a few minutes but I did manage to pass him a letter in which I asked him to do anything he could to help you – I said "May I ask you please to do what you can to help my friend Mordechai Vanunu, the Israeli whistleblower, to obtain his freedom and be allowed to leave Israel". Maybe you could also write to the Pope and the leaders of all faith traditions if you have not already done so.

During the Nobel Summit in Rome I collected signatures on the Letter to the President of Israel and I will post this letter to you tomorrow and to the President, Foreign Min. PM. Israel, etc..

Please use as you wish and we will be putting out a press release this week about it.

I am sorry to hear that you have been so much harassed by the Israeli security Mordechai, but I hope that you will keep your spirits high and keep smiling and I know that this will make you , and those of us who support you, even stronger in our efforts and work for you and nuclear disarmament.


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