Wonderful - and troubling - experiences in Jerusalem and Israel/Palestine

Our family spent the month of November 2006 in Israel/Palestine, where we attended an International Peace Conference sponsored by "Sabeel". "Sabeel" is an outstanding Palestinian Christian organization working to promote peace with justice through nonviolent means.

During our time in Israel/Palestine, we had many wonderful - and some very troubling experiences: savoring the fascinating city of Jerusalem, traveling and staying in the Occupied West Bank, and sharing time with wonderful people, both Israelis and Palestinians.

Among the highlights during our stay, was meeting and spending time with a remarkable individual, a young man who has suffered greatly for his incredible courage and integrity, Mordechai Vanunu.

If you should wish to have an opportunity to meet with Mordechai, you may make contact with him at the English-speaking congregation of the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in the Old City of Jerusalem, which meets regularly each Sunday morning. While raised in a Jewish home, Mordechai became Christian while in Australia years ago.

Should you have the privilege of spending some time with Mordechai, you will find it to be an amazing exprience; his unfinished story is one you will not forget!

With great admiration for this courageous man,

- a family of supporters from the American Midwest