You Can
Write to these officials right away, demanding they stop punishing Mordechai Vanunu, dismiss the new charges against him, lift the restrictions, and let him go. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon Fax: +972 2 566 4838 Ms. Tsippi Livni Fax: +972 2 628 5438 Mr. Gideon Ezra Fax: +972 2 581 1832 INTERNATIONAL CALL-IN DAYS - Join in sending a flurry of email, faxes and phone calls to the Israeli Ambassador
in your country on the following Mondays leading up to the one year review
of Vanunu's restrictions: Ambassador of Israel phone: Public & Interreligious Affairs Visit or to find the contact information for Israeli Embassies in other countries. OTHER THINGS YOU CAN DO * SIGN THE INTERNATIONAL PETITION TO FREE MORDECHAI VANUNU * Write a note of support to Dr. Mordechai Vanunu, c/o Cathedral Church of St. George, 20 Nablus Rd., P.O. Box 19122, Jerusalem 91191, Israel or email * The U.S. Campaign has produced a new campaign flyer you can distribute at meetings, rallies, conferences, etc., updating the Vanunu case and including suggestions for how people can join the fight for his full freedom. (click here for pdf. version - 278 K) * Hold a benefit, large or small, in your community to raise awareness and money for the work of the U.S. Campaign. * Nominate Vanunu for honors, awards and honorary doctorates. (He's been repeatedly nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, received the Lennon-Ono Peace Grant in October, and while imprisoned was honored with the Right Livelihood Award, Nuclear Free Future Award, and received an honorary doctorate from Tromsø University in Norway, among many other honors.) * Receive email updates and alerts from the U.S. Campaign by sending a blank email to and following the confirmation instructions that will be emailed back to you. * Speak about Mordechai, and recite his poem I Am Your Spy at anti-nuclear and peace events. * Send a donation to help support Mordechai and the campaign for his release. * Buy postcards with the same image as the posters held by supporters outside
Ashkelon Prison on the day of Vanunu's release, April 21, 2004 ("Thank
You Mordechai Vanunu - Peace Hero, Nuclear whistleblower"), $5/dozen,
postpaid. Make checks out to the U.S. Campaign to Free Mordechai Vanunu and
mail to the U.S. Campaign at PO Box 43384, Tucson, AZ 85733. Please include
your mailing address. |