How Israel Keeps the Atom Bomb

"There is nothing like the Holocaust to mobilize the support of Jews for a policy which is designed, according to the official declarations, to prevent another Holocaust," writes Gideon Spiro, an Israeli war hero.

"And there is no better means than the Holocaust to neutralize the Christian countries which indeed have reservations about Israel having nuclear weapons but which find it difficult forcefully to oppose this…owing to the extra burden of guilt feelings which Israel knows how to extort from them to the maximum."

Spiro, maverick journalist, ardent human rights activist, and a founding member of the Israeli Committee to Support Mordechai Vanunu, offers a trenchant analysis of how Israel built its secret nuclear weapons arsenal with the enthusiastic but silent consent of the Israeli political establishment. He couples this with a portrayal of Vanunu's prophetic role in bringing the truth to the world's attention.

Vanunu and the Israeli Bomb is the opening chapter of a book of the same title now being distributed in Hebrew by the Israeli Committee to Support Vanunu. The book evolved from a 1996 Tel Aviv conference sponsored by the international campaign to free Vanunu, which also produced a book entitled Voices for Vanunu. Translated into English, Vanunu and the Israeli Bomb is available from the U.S. Campaign to Free Mordechai Vanunu as an 8-page brochure at $3 for single copies or $2 each for orders of 12 or more, postpaid.