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Re: Appeal to Israeli Government to allow Mordechai Vanunu to Leave Israel.

24th November, 2005.

President Moshe Katsav,
President of the State of Israel,
Office of the President,
3, Hanassi street 92188,

Dear Mr. President,

In July of this year, thirteen Nobel Peace Laureates wrote to you, and your Israeli Government colleagues, appealing for the lifting of the restrictions against Mr. Vanunu, in order that he may leave Israel. Thank you for your acknowledgement of this appeal.

However, we remain deeply concerned at the fact that Mr. Vanunu is still held, against his will, within Israel. The Israeli Government’s argument that Mr. Vanunu represents a risk to Israeli National Security we find unreasonable, as we believe he cannot possibly represent a security risk to Israel, as 20 years after working at Dimona he cannot have any information which would endanger Israeli security.

We would request you to advise us what developments have taken place in this case, and request you re-consider our appeal for Mr. Vanunu’s freedom.


Mairead Corrigan Maguire (Nobel Peace Laureate )
Betty Williams (|Nobel Peace Laureate)
Rigoberta Menchu (Nobel Peace Laureate)
Adolfo Perez Esquivel (Nobel Peace Laureate)
Paul Lacey (American Friends Service Com. Nobel Org)
Mary Ellen McNish (American Friends Service Com.,Nobel Org.)
Ronald McCoy (International Physicians for Prevention of Nuclear War, Nobel Org.)

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