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Hi .
Just to let you know about this event,and may be it will happen IF,
see you soon free.

Invitation to Speak at the World Peace Forum 2006

October 17, 2005
To Mordecai Vanunu
via Email

Dear Mordecai:

I am writing to ask that you consider being a keynote speaker at the World Peace Forum 2006 to be held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada from Jun3 23 – 28, 2006. I must say that more than just a few people have suggested your name and we are delighted to be able to extend this invitation to you.

I had the pleasure of attending the ‘Lifting the Shadow: Toward a Nuclear-Weapons-Free World’ Conference at City University in New York in early May and watched your taped address to the conference. We all wished that you could have attended in person. We are hopeful that you will accept our invitation and that unlike New York you will be able to attend the Forum next June.

Mayors for Peace and the International Association of Peace Messenger Cities are both coming to Vancouver and through their work and the work of our Working Groups around Nuclear Abolition and Opposing the Nuclearization and Weaponization of Space the nuclear agenda will be a major element in the World Peace Forum 2006 program. I am attaching a number of documents about the World Peace Forum 2006 and would recommend our new website to you for much more complete information to gain a better understanding of what we are planning.

I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

In solidarity,

Jef Keighley,
Executive Director Outreach,
World Peace Forum 2006,
420 – 550 W. 6th Ave.,
Vancouver, B.C.,
V5L 1A1
Tel: 604 687-3223
Fax: 604 687-3277

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