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'Time to Right the Scales of Justice'

 Excerpts from a statement by Rep. Bruce Vento of Minnesota, at the March 19 1999 press conference in Washington, DC. Vento's constituents include Nicholas and Mary Eoloff of St. Paul, adoptive parents of Mordechai Vanunu:

        Mordechai Vanunu... chose a difficult path: to state an open secret in regard to the Israeli development of nuclear weapons. He chose to tear away the facade of deceit and deception to expose the magnitude of the challenge that those who seek peace pursue. His action was hurt Israel but in the name of preserving humanity and finally achieving peace and justice. The cause of Mordechai Vanunu and the Eoloffs is after all the proper cause for mankind.
        The fact that we are here today is evidence to me that some on Capitol Hill representing states across the nation share this concern and are serious about the plight of Mordechai Vanunu. As a member of the Congressional Human Rights Caucus I share the Eoloffs' concerns and believe that Mordechai has suffered long enough for his act of conscience.
        Mr. Vanunu's commitment to global peace and to living in a world free of the threat of nuclear devastation should be commended, not condemned. Yet, ironically, Mr. Vanunu's commitment to human rights has cost him his freedom. For far too long he has paid too high a price for his act of conscience. It is time to right the scales of justice by advocating and working for his immediate release and return to his adopted home of St. Paul.

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