My Reply to ABC Nyheter of Norway

Thank you for sending me this news.
My comment:

1.The commitee should respect my decision, if one wants not to be nominated that is his right.
2,The Nobel award to Simon Peres, not only that it was Bad judgement, bad choice,.But that award legitimized the israel very cruel, Barbaric, hard punishment for me, with 12 years in Isolation, and full sentence 18 years, and continue until now more 6 years preventing me to go, to be free.
3. The Nobel commitee in fact was saying by that award "ignore Vanunu,and israel Nuclear policy is good, keep on cheating the world.Keep on the Nuclear Apartheid in the Middle East. Only israel can have Nuclear Technology."
4.My target by this letter to send clear message to Norway Gov't and people, that what I want now, I need now, is freedom, passport, no any awards. This can be done by the Govt.
Thank you,

2010/2/24 Ola Karlsen wrote:

Mr Vanunu,

your letter to the Nobel commitee became public in Norway today. The director of the Nobel Institute, mr Geir Lundestad, tells the news broadcaster NRK that they will not remove you from the list, and he also calls you pretentious.

Here are Lundestads statements (in Norwegian-

- De fleste vil vel kanskje det som litt pretensiøst at man sier fra
seg en pris som det er høyst uklart om man er noen reell kandidat til,
sier Lundestad.

– Hvordan forholder Nobelkomiteen seg til forespørselen?

– Vi har fått gyldige nominasjoner på Vanunu, så han må jo føres opp
på listen sammen med de andre. Det må også nevnes i den sammenheng at
han ikke ønsker seg prisen. Han kommer til å stå på listen når dette
skal behandles, sier Lundestad.

Could you comment on the statements and judgement of the Nobel
Institutes director?

Ola Karlsen, journalist ABC Nyheter -