Nuclear slip by Olmert sparks domestic fallout Asked by the interviewer about Iran's calls for the destruction of Israel, Olmert replied that Israel has never threatened to annihilate anyone. " Iran openly, explicitly and publicly threatens to wipe Israel off the map," Olmert said. "Can you say that this is the same level, when you are aspiring to have nuclear weapons, as America, France, Israel, Russia?" Israel, which foreign experts say has the sixth-largest nuclear arsenal in the world, has stuck to a policy of ambiguity on nuclear weapons for decades, refusing to confirm or deny whether it has them. The comments came days after incoming U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, in testimony to a Senate committee, identified Israel as a nuclear power. Gates' comments irked Israeli officials. With Olmert's quote featured on the front pages of all of Israel's major papers Tuesday and with political rivals calling for his resignation, the Israeli premier — in Berlin on a state visit — said his country's nuclear policy was unchanged. " Israel has said many times, and I also said this to German television in an interview, that we will not be the first country that introduces nuclear weapons to the Middle East," Olmert said after meeting German Chancellor Angela Merkel. "That was our position, that is our position — nothing has changed." In a front-page editorial, the daily Haaretz slammed Olmert, who it said "preferred to forget that he was prime minister, not another commentator" or minor politician. Opposition lawmaker Yossi Beilin, head of the dovish Meretz party, criticized what he termed Olmert's "carelessness." Together with Olmert's perceived failures of leadership during the Lebanon war, Beilin said, "it might be an indication that he isn't fit to serve as prime minister." Former Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom, of the hardline Likud, another opposition party, said the comment could hurt Israel's attempt to get the international community to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. Shalom said Olmert "gave tools" to Israel's enemies, allowing them
to say, "Why are you dealing only with Iran while Israel is confirming
that it has the same kind of weapons?" Mordechai Vanunu, the whistleblower who gave Israeli nuclear secrets to the British paper The Sunday Times and served an 18-year sentence for his disclosures, said he hoped Olmert's comment wasn't a mistake, but rather "the beginning of a policy change" that would see Israel openly acknowledge its nuclear weapons. Vanunu, who is still under tight security restrictions that bar him from leaving the country, said the authorities should now "end my case, which is making a mockery of the world." Shlomo Brom, an expert on strategic affairs at Tel Aviv University's Institute for National Strategic Studies, said Olmert had simply been misunderstood. "This is much ado about nothing," Brom said. |