Amnesty Campaign Against Restrictions on Freedom of Expression on the Internet 5 June 2006 Hi Steve. The Internet is only serving the human race, advancing it and making the human race more civilized, helping and developing human expressing the mind views, ideas, and from the very young age to the very old age, not harming any one. Even if spies are fighting us in secret by huge amount of spams and virus, it is still the best way the human race invented for the best of freedom of speech, freedom of ideas,and free lunch of thoughts and views. Sso ,I believe it is irreversible this invention, no one can stop it or control it, it will be wasting of time and money to try to stop the Internet, it is IRREVERSIBLE. I believe the Internet is a force of political freedom, not repression. People are seeking and receiving information and expressing their peaceful beliefs online without fear or interference. I call on governments to stop the unwarranted restriction of freedom of expression on the Internet - and on companies to stop helping them do it. And also for the abolition of Nuclear weapons in Israel and in England, France, U.S., China, Russia, India, Pakistan. That is freedom of internet. - vmjc 31 May 2006 Dear Mr Vanunu, I'm writing to ask if you would show your support for a new Amnesty International campaign against restrictions on freedom of expression on the internet. I understand this affects you personally - in restrictions on emailing foreigners (if for this reason you would prefer not to respond I will of course understand entirely). The campaign, called "" highlights the rise of internet censorship and the cases of individual prisoners of conscience, imprisoned for the peaceful expression of their beliefs online. It will also highlight the role of multinational companies, often working with governments in restricting people's right to freedom of expression and information on the net. We are collecting thousands of online pledges calling on governments and companies to respect internet freedom, which we will present to a UN meeting on Internet Governance in November 2006. We will also launch an email campaign aimed at persuading companies such as Yahoo, Google and Microsoft to respect the rights of people online to express peaceful views. We will also target countries which seek to limit the freedom of the internet, as well as working for the release of those detained because of their efforts to use the internet as a force for freedom. I'm writing to ask if you would become a Founding Supporter, just by putting your name to this most important campaign. By giving your backing, you can help ensure that the internet remains a force for freedom, not repression. The pledge we are asking you to sign is as follows: I believe the internet should be a force for political freedom, not repression. People have the right to seek and receive information and to express their peaceful beliefs online without fear or interference. I call on governments to stop the unwarranted restriction of freedom of expression on the Internet - and on companies to stop helping them do it. If you would like to add a personal message that could be featured in The Observer and on Amnesty International's new website, your contribution would be most welcome. I hope you are able to support this important new campaign. Best wishes, Steve Ballinger Help stop internet repression at |