Invitation to participate at the
Swedish Forum for Human Rights 23-24 November 2006 in Malmö , Sweden Dear Mr. Mordechai Vanunu On November 23 - 24 2006 the annual Swedish Forum for Human Rights will take place for the fifth time. Human rights professionals, civil servants, politicians, researchers and activists will meet to focus on human rights for two days. The Forum is a unique gathering of around 1000 people participating in different seminars, workshops and plenary sessions. The main theme for this year's forum will be "How can we live together – equal and different?" . How we can live together is an urgent question in many aspects – locally, nationally as well as globally. Different seminars will touch on many different related subjects. It is a question which can require great courage and personal integrity – not many persons have such a deep experience of that as you. We would be most honoured if you have the possibility to come as a keynote speaker. It would indeed be a privilege for us to have you as our guest and we do hope that you have the possibility to come. We hope to hear from you! We will try to assist you in coming to Sweden to the best of our ability. If you have any questions you can mail me or contact Malin Greenhill at Diakonia. Yours sincerely, Leif Ericsson The Swedish Forum for Human Rights is organised by the Academy of Democracy, the Swedish NGO Foundation for Human Rights, the Ordfront democracy movement, the Stockholm School of Theology and the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, in cooperation with the Swedish Red Cross, the Church of Sweden, Diakonia, the Sensus study association etc. The Forum is arranged with economic support from – among others – the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Hi Leif. I want to thank the Swedish Forum for Human Rights for their Invitation to participate at the Swedish Forum for Human Rights 23-24 November 2006 in Malmö, Sweden. It is a great honor for me to take part in this forum. Sadly I am not allowed to leave the country. So I am asking you and all the Gov' of Sweden to do all what you can to help my coming and participate in this event. Sending you my respect and regards. All
the best. |